Writing Again!

Hooray! I’m writing again!

In the works is a short story that tells about a character in my upcoming novel (first draft of the novel is done). The short story tells how a young boy came to live with Noah and Sophie (the builders of the house in Journey of the Sentinels).

Maybe one day I will learn to write books in order, but not yet. The next book out will most likely be the second in a series of which Journey of the Sentinels is number three. Number One is also drafted and is having a contest with Number Two to see who makes it to publication first.

Writing has been quite a blessing during this Corona Virus event. I enjoy my characters and they have been the only people to have long conversations with. I’ve moved since the Journey of the Sentinels was published and am now living in a Life Care Community about twenty-five minutes from where I was living. We have independent living (where I am), a nursing home, and two levels of dementia care. AND I have a gorgeous Live Oak outside my big bay window (that’s what sold the apartment!). She has had stories to tell, too!

The good news about the move with its subsequent lockdown is that we have had minimal Covid cases here. The bad news is that we are just starting to ease out of the significant lock down. I did not leave the campus for three and a half months. (Happily, it is a beautiful campus!) That was great for keeping us safe but scored high on the kid and grandkid deprivation scale!

One would think this level of isolation would lead to prolific writing. It has lead to writing, but not prolific. It has also lead to lots of contemplation with my tree. Before the lockdown, my grandson (seven years old) said the tree’s name was Charlotte. Charlotte and I have had lots of time to commune! You’ll hear more about and from her over the next few months.

More later. Stay safe and healthy. Wear masks.


  1. Sue McManus

    Good to hear of your progress. Seven already?? Wow. Love you dear Lady and look forward to reading!

  2. M. Diane F. Hartnett

    Glad to hear your still truckin’, Dear Cousin, Jan.
    Just recently got a note about your Zerbz book. Have to get it.
    I’ve stayed busy with my sewing machine making masks for family and friends.
    My husband John and I stay quite distant from from all others. Guess we’ll be using Skype, etc. to see family for some time to come. Say hi to all your sibs for me.
    Love, Diane


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