New Book Out!

Cover of my new book.

Hello Dear Readers! This has been a long dry spell, but it is about to get exciting! I have a new book out – Losing a Spouse. It was hard to write, and I hope it will be helpful to others who, as my brother said, are part of this sad club.

I am so pleased to be finished with it so that I can finish editing the other books (yes, that is plural!) I am working on. I hope to have two novels and a book of short stories out by the end of January! The two novels are the story of Noah and Sophie (the builders of the house from Journey of the Sentinels. I have had a lot of fun with them and hope you enjoy them. The short stories are about a feisty old lady and an almost retired cop. They have been a lot of fun to work with too. Still getting to know them.

For now, Losing a Spouse will be sitting on Amazon waiting for whoever needs it.


Purchase here


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