My Tech Stack

This is really SIMPLE, I use the “Website In A Day” by Simple Solution Website!

Simple Solution Website is a fully-configured website builder that includes everything I need to sell my products.

  • They host my site and take care of all the maintenance & backups
  • It's built on WordPress using the Divi page builder
  • Includes all these premium plugins:
    • Advanced Custom Fields
    • AffiliateWP
    • FunnelKit
    • Ninja Forms
    • Pretty Links
    • SupportCandy
    • WooCommerce
    • Woo Discount Rules
    • WP-Optimize
    • Yoast SEO
  • AND, there's training included
  • They did a great job of anticipating the needs of a digital content seller

And there's SO much more! Check it out for yourself at